FirstClass Aligners

Intraoral Scans vs. Traditional Impressions: What’s the difference?

The field of dentistry has undergone significant technological advancements, revolutionizing patient care and treatment planning. A standout innovation is the introduction of intraoral scans as a contemporary alternative to traditional impressions. 


While both methods aim to capture precise images of the oral cavity for diagnosis and treatment, they diverge in technique, accuracy, patient comfort, and efficiency. These advancements have enhanced diagnostic capabilities and streamlined treatment processes, ultimately improving the overall patient experience in dental care. 


With ongoing technological progress, integrating intraoral scans continues to redefine dentistry standards, promising greater accuracy, efficiency, and patient satisfaction.


Understanding Traditional Impressions


Traditional impressions have been relied upon in dentistry to accurately capture the details of the oral cavity, aiding in treatment planning and the fabrication of dental restorations. Despite their effectiveness, traditional impressions can be uncomfortable for patients, often causing gag reflexes or discomfort due to the material’s taste and texture. 


In addition, pouring the impression material into a stone or plaster cast requires time and manual labor, leading to potential inaccuracies and delays in treatment. However, impression materials and techniques have improved traditional impressions’ overall experience and accuracy, making them a viable option for specific dental procedures.


Challenges With Traditional Impressions


While traditional impressions have been widely used in dentistry, they have limitations. The process can be uncomfortable for patients, as they may experience gagging or discomfort from the material’s taste and texture. Additionally, achieving accurate impressions can be challenging, especially in patients with limited mouth opening or excessive salivation. There is also a risk of distortion or inaccuracies in the final cast due to material setting time and handling errors.


Many dental practices have adopted digital impression technology. This advanced technology utilizes intraoral scanners to capture highly detailed and precise 3D images of the patient’s teeth and oral structures. Unlike traditional impressions, digital impressions are non-invasive and eliminate the need for messy impression materials, offering a more comfortable experience for patients. On top of this, digital impressions provide immediate feedback to the dentist, allowing for real-time adjustments and ensuring greater accuracy in the final restoration. The digital files can also be easily stored, transferred, and reproduced as needed, streamlining communication between dental professionals and laboratories. Digital impression technology represents a significant advancement in dental care. It offers improved accuracy, comfort, and efficiency compared to traditional impression techniques. By embracing this technology, dental practices can enhance the patient experience and deliver better patient outcomes.


Woman looking at a 3D scan of teeth. 



Introduction to Intraoral Scans


Intraoral scans, also known as digital impressions or digital scans, are a modern alternative to traditional impressions. This new technology has new features. Intraoral scans are modern alternatives to conventional impressions. They utilize handheld scanning devices with optical sensors to capture highly detailed images of teeth and surrounding tissues in real time. A handheld device emits harmless light onto oral structures during scanning, while optical sensors capture reflected light to create precise digital models. These digital models comprehensively represent teeth, gums, and oral structures, eliminating the need for messy impression materials and uncomfortable trays. Patients experience no gagging sensation or discomfort; immediate feedback to the dentist allows for real-time adjustments and greater treatment accuracy.


Digital files can be easily stored, transferred, and reproduced, facilitating communication between dental professionals and laboratories. This technology revolutionizes the dental impression process for improved accuracy, comfort, and efficiency. Embracing this advanced technology enables dental practices to enhance the overall patient experience and deliver superior outcomes, marking a significant leap forward in dental care provision. By incorporating intraoral scans into their practice, dentists can ensure more accurate diagnoses, treatment planning, and execution, ultimately improving oral health.


Advantages of Intraoral Scans


Intraoral scans offer several advantages over traditional impressions. Firstly, they provide a more comfortable experience for patients, as there is no need for bulky impression materials or trays. The scanning process is quick and non-invasive, reducing patient discomfort and the likelihood of gag reflexes. Additionally, intraoral scans eliminate the risk of material distortion or inaccuracies, resulting in highly accurate digital models of the oral anatomy.


Also, Intraoral scans allow for immediate feedback and adjustments, enabling dentists to ensure optimal treatment planning and execution. The digital files can be easily stored, transferred, and reproduced, streamlining communication between dental professionals and laboratories. 


The high precision of intraoral scans enhances dental restorations’ overall quality and longevity, improving patient outcomes and satisfaction.


Accuracy and Precision


One critical difference between intraoral scans and traditional impressions is their level of accuracy and precision. Intraoral scans provide detailed, high-resolution images of the teeth and soft tissues, allowing for precise measurements and evaluations. This level of accuracy is particularly beneficial for complex cases, such as implant planning, orthodontic treatment, and prosthetic restorations, where precise fit and occlusion are essential. Intraoral scans minimize the margin of error associated with traditional impressions, ensuring a more reliable foundation for treatment decisions.


The detailed digital images facilitate precise measurements and offer a comprehensive view of the oral structures, aiding in detecting subtle nuances crucial for successful treatment outcomes. This heightened level of accuracy becomes indispensable in intricate dental procedures, enhancing the overall efficacy of treatments and fostering a more predictable and satisfactory patient experience. As technology advances, the commitment to achieving unparalleled accuracy and precision through intraoral scanning continues redefining modern dentistry’s landscape.


Workflow with Intraoral Scans


Another advantage of intraoral scans is their impact on workflow efficiency in dental practice. Traditional impressions typically involve multiple steps, including impression taking, material setting, model fabrication, and subsequent adjustments. 

In contrast, intraoral scans streamline the workflow by generating digital models instantaneously, eliminating the need for physical impressions and manual model fabrication. This latest invention reduces chairside time and allows faster turnaround times for treatment planning and fabrication of dental prosthetics.


A female dentist holding dental tools, a mirror, and a probe, ready to perform a dental examination.

Patient Experience


The improved patient experience associated with intraoral scans contributes to higher patient satisfaction. Patients appreciate the convenience and comfort of digital impressions, leading to a more positive overall dental experience. Additionally, intraoral scans offer enhanced communication between the dentist and the patient, as digital images can be visualized in real-time and shared electronically for collaborative treatment planning.


Cost Considerations


While the initial investment in intraoral scanning technology may be higher than that in traditional impression materials, the long-term cost benefits are notable. Intraoral scans eliminate the need for consumable materials, such as impression trays and impression material, reducing overhead costs associated with impression-taking procedures. Besides, the efficiency gained from digital workflows can increase productivity and revenue generation for the dental practice.


The Future of Dentistry


The stark differences between intraoral scans and traditional impressions underscore the transformative impact of technological advancements in dentistry. While traditional impressions have served as a reliable method for capturing images of the oral cavity over the years, the emergence of intraoral scans has revolutionized the field. Intraoral scans offer unparalleled advantages, including enhanced accuracy, improved patient comfort, streamlined workflow efficiency, and increased patient satisfaction. As technology continues to evolve, the adoption of intraoral scanning is poised to revolutionize dental practices worldwide.


Intraoral scanning promises to redefine standards in diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient care delivery with its ability to provide detailed, high-resolution images in real-time. Dentists and orthodontists increasingly recognize the value of intraoral scans in enhancing diagnostic capabilities, improving treatment outcomes, and optimizing the patient experience. We can expect a widespread integration of intraoral scanning technology in dental practices, further cementing its role as a cornerstone of modern dentistry. Through continuous innovation, intraoral scanning shapes the future of dentistry, offering unprecedented precision and efficiency. 


Experience the precision of intraoral scanning and learn more about teeth straightening by visiting our FirstClass Aligners blog today. Schedule a consultation today to explore how this advanced technology can enhance your dental experience. Don’t settle for outdated methods – embrace the future of dentistry!

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