Virtual Treatment Consultation with an Orthodontist

1. Complete agreement and pre auto pay $99 credit card payment.

2. Schedule a 20-minute Calendly virtual aligner treatment consultation with an Orthodontist. 

Male african patient on conference video call with female online doctor.

Subscribe to upload up to 10 aligner cases per month with an orthodontist.

1. Complete agreement and pre auto pay $499 credit card payment, per month.

2. Orthodontist aligner case review and provide case design input, via email within 72 hours.

3. Requires upper and lower quality scan and patient photos emailed to: [email protected].  (HIPPA compliant)

Option – Upload aligner case upper and lower scans, patient photos and treatment Rx to FIRSTCLASSALIGNERS.COM website portal to process case design.

1. Complete agreement and prepay auto credit card pay case design fee, $79 per case, one free refinement.  Just prepay for the addition aligners or retainers.

2. Once case design has been approved, prepay auto credit card per aligner and retainer, plus $20 shipping charge, per case.

3. Pre-paid and approved case design moves to manufacturing.  Expect case delivery to practice 7-10 business days.

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